01 02 03 MY SWEET KYOTO: Sohya Tas Kyoto (2) 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Sohya Tas Kyoto (2)

Stoles of Chiso are made of top-quality raw silk, and they have large choice of design and color. Each item is like a piece of art ^^
Furoshiki :
Some original paper goods..
and accessories :
There is also Chiso Gallery exposing old kimonos and documents from the company's collection. You will find both shop and gallery on the 2nd floor of the Chiso Building. On the first floor, you can enjoy a cup of green tea with Japanese sweets in Iyemon Salon, famous Kyoto tea house.
Shop information
Address : 
京都市中京区三条通烏丸西入御倉町80番地 千總ビル2F
Tel. : (075) 221-3133
Business hours :  10:00~19:00
Website (in Japanese) : http://sohya-tas.com/shop/
Online shop (in Japanese) : http://sohya-tas.com/

<--Part 1

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